Contact / PR

This is a personal blog written and edited by me. 
If you have any questions about this blog, please get in touch by email at elodie.colin89(at)gmail(dot)com.

If you are a brand or an agency, please read these lines first :
  • Funk My life is a lifestyle blog based in the UK created on the 1st July 2013. My readers come from the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, USA and Germany. My blog has an average of 700 views per month.
  • My interests are : Cooking, music, holiday, home interior and shopping.
  • If you are a brand and wish to send me a product to review, please feel free to get in touch by email. However, please note that I will only review products that I like or caught my attention. 
  • I accept different forms of advertising, as long as they are relevant to my interests. Contact me to know the tariffs.
  • I will also accept sponsored post, as long as they are relevant to my interests too. These will always be explicitly stated at the beginning of the post. All sponsored posts will be promoted through social media and will remain on the blog permanently.

Funk My Life is about me and my interests, therefore I want to make sure that any sorts of collaboration will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog.

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